
Trying an RTD left over from a party the girls threw a while ago. (Did we say no alcohol? I think we did…)

It’s disgusting – ugh. Not finishing that. In my day we didn’t have RTDs, except maybe Miami wine cooler, if that counts? It was much nicer, if my memory serves me correctly – which it probably doesn’t.


I’m enjoying writing this blog. It feels like I’m talking to myself most of the time. I do worry, though, that I may gradually start to drift over the line of what’s acceptable. Clearly, posting nude selfies would be way over the line, but somewhere between that and “I watch teen romcoms” is a boundary that I hope I would recognize – and if not, I’m hoping someone else would, and would let me know. I hope you are feeling up to the task. It’s all fun and games until someone loses a practicing certificate.

Oh, Mother!

I’ve noticed a disturbing trend lately. I’ve watched two high school romances in the last week (well, I’ve had a lot of time on my hands), and in both of them the mothers die early on of some mysterious and lingering (although thankfully not disfiguring) illness. Am I hampering my daughters’ emotional development by staying healthy? Maybe being left behind for six weeks while I head off to France for the second half of my sabbatical will be an adequate substitute? (Lucky I don’t believe in foreshadowing, huh!)

ps. Just watched Netflix’s A Christmas Prince – same thing – mother offed before the movie even started. Spooky.


Well, our nanny and I have finally had ‘The Talk’ : “We think it might be time to start thinking about cutting down your hours”. N has been fabulous for our family, a real treasure. She’s like an idealized grandmother, far more useful than any of our actual parents were. Over the years she’s gradually morphed into more of a housekeeper, but she’s still been someone who’s always around for the girls to talk to.  Still, now that our youngest are about to go to university, it’s getting harder to justify a full time nanny – especially as she’s nearing eighty. Although, we do have three dogs – and they are quite high maintenance.

Sabbaticalling the Kirsty way

Writing this in bed. It is still cold and rainy outside. Have spend the morning reading in horrified fascination of the latest White House shenanigans. Feeling vaguely guilty that I’m at home instead of at work where I could be doing something useful. However, as I’m on sabbatical, what I really should be doing is reading that neuro anaesthetic textbook I bought, written by the clever doctors at Addenbrookes. Trouble is, the first two chapters are on anatomy and physiology, and not only are they boring, but they’re also giving me nasty part one flashbacks.

To show that I’ve learnt something on my sabbatical so far, I’m going to publish this photo I took of someone’s anaesthetic record when I was in Cambridge (all parts of a patient’s hospital records are on line there – a not fit for purpose arrangement purchased at great expense from the USA called “Epic” – the best part of which being the fabulous headlines it enabled, such as “Addenbrooke’s Hospital 200 million pound IT system proves an Epic fail” 22/9/15 ).

An induction not for the faint hearted, as I’m sure the anesthetists amongst you will agree (if you can read it) – especially considering it was done in the anaesthetic room with a terrible old Bain’s circuit. But, this is one of the most experienced neuro anaesthetists you’re ever likely to meet, and certainly the surgery and wake up went fine. So there you go – plenty of ways to skin a cat, as I like to say (am not a big fan of cats).



The spa pool looked so warm and inviting, bubbling away there – but it’s actually cold. The disappointment was sharp and bitter on this cold Winter’s night. (Well actually it’s theoretically Spring but it’s still f**king cold out there)