Everyone is talking about the weekend’s aurora today, and it’s still all over Facebook.
Plus ça change
The world is divided into two types of people today: those who saw yesterday’s aurora, and those who are currently filled with bitter bitter regrets.
I read a book years ago by the British comedian Les Dawson.
15 minutes
Last month, a kotuku (AKA eastern great egret/white heron/Ardea alba modesta) was spotted in the lagoon in front of our beach house.
God has sent me an unsolicited dick pic.
But no
A very important part of aging well is retaining muscle mass, particularly in your core that will help keep you balanced and protect you from falls.
While I was away
I read to my dismay this morning, in my habitual perusal of the news media over coffee, that a new Kiwi film is being released that features a female anaesthetist as one of the main characters.
I acknowledge that I don’t do the majority of the family grocery shopping,
Learnings – Fiji
The other thing I discovered last week was how incredibly long the marks on your face last from your face mask after snorkelling.