Woke up early with the sound of a clock ticking, who has a ticking clock these days? In the bedroom, anyway. I eventually took the batteries out and now I keep thinking it’s 6:15 every time I glance in that direction. Continue reading “Bologna 22 October”
Germany to Italy 21 October
Last morning on board ship, and a farewell to Simon, who is heading back home to real life while I spend another ten days here conferencing. Continue reading “Germany to Italy 21 October”
Passau October 20
We travelled through the night and arrived this morning in Germany, in Passau. Continue reading “Passau October 20”
Linz October 19
There was a choice of four different tours today: Salzburg and Cesky Krumlov day trips; or two local ones, a walking tour or a bike tour. We plumped for the bike tour and we were the only ones.
Somewhere on the Danube October 18
Started the day in Weissenkirchen. We didn’t visit the town at all, it was just where we were parked for the night. Continue reading “Somewhere on the Danube October 18”
Vienna October 17
Ah Vienna! The name will always evoke the 80s Ultravox song to me. Continue reading “Vienna October 17”
Bratislava October 16
Another poor night’s sleep, the boat was on the move upriver all night and the engine was quite noisy. (My life is so hard!) Continue reading “Bratislava October 16”
Budapest 15 October
Another bad nights sleep, first waking up too hot and then getting too cold. Am I Goldilocks? Continue reading “Budapest 15 October”
Budapest 14 October
Some of you may be wondering when I was ever going to get around to some work related activities on my sabbatical. Continue reading “Budapest 14 October”
Budapest 13 October
We thought this was going to be our last full day in Budapest, but surprise! Our boat doesn’t leave town until Tuesday evening, even though we board tomorrow. Doh! Continue reading “Budapest 13 October”