There is an imp living in my phone that likes to play loud music at the
Category: Uncategorized
We are keen!
Have become very enamoured with the idea of royalty, having spent
Yeah nah
Um yeah no thanks. I’d quite like to be able to eat, breathe, and have room for my organs
Wish I could have got a photo of the table full of young men-about-
Birb 2
Only a GBH of crows today
Birb 1
How stupid do they think I am??
Feel free to cope
In our training we are told to have a low threshold for calling for help. The emergency call bell in theatre and recovery here is nicknamed The Buzzer of Shame.
Having to ride on the slow side of the cycle lane at the moment, with all
Made to take off my watch as an infection risk yesterday by a bossy
No scrubs my size in the theatre changing rooms today. Someone had to sneak into the mens for me to grab a pile. Made me feel quite homesick.