The sheer unadulterated glee of the colleague who deigns to give you a five minute lunch break before they leave early for their afternoon off, when you’re facing another overrunning list after finishing at 11 the night before, when they discover that your patient is still deeply Continue reading “Schadenfreude”
Am 19% of the way through a very bizarre book called “The Master and Margarita” by a Russian author, on my kindle. It is a struggle and I’m wondering whether to persist with it. My question is, did the person who recommended it to me really enjoy it, or were they just showing off? If the latter, then I can ditch it without qualms. If anyone has further information, can they pm me? Thanks in advance!
The Ballad of The Unhappy Motorist
(To the tune of “why don’t you all just fuck off”, best hummed under the breath at traffic lights)
I hate them in their lycra, middle aged men who should know better and bunch up in my way, don’t they know how stupid they look? Continue reading “The Ballad of The Unhappy Motorist”
Note to self: when cycling to work into the teeth of a Southerly gale, with horizontal rain blasting into your face, make sure that the fluorescent yellow bag cover thingy is inside the bungee straps. I was Continue reading “Inclement”
Beach body ready
Washed and clipped and ready for another scorching Wellington summer! (As I look out my window into the driving rain)
Bitchin’* – the blog post formerly known as “Talk to the hand”
I love being a parent, and when the twins leave home next year, I’ll miss them. But what I won’t miss is the endless conversations you’re meant to have with other people about kids. I know I’ve said it before, but definitely the worst thing about having kids is other parents. For the Continue reading “Bitchin’* – the blog post formerly known as “Talk to the hand””
Why is 95% of the spam I get on this blog about viagra? Am I the target audience? Are you??
The life aquatic
First swim of the summer. There may have been a wetsuit involved but I’m sure it still counts nonetheless. Hoping our watery shenanigans didn’t upset the whitebaiters. If so they were too polite to say anything.
Work end of year function tonight. Last year I got groped by a gastroenterologist. So, should I do the right thing and wear a similarly fabulous outfit and makeup, or should I be sensible and tone it down a bit this year? Continue reading “Festivities”
Bad news: PACU nurse gets your name wrong
Good news: she mistakes you for someone better looking