A big shout out to hubby for hand Continue reading “Toasty”
Do you follow me?
Oooh look! I’m an Enabler! Although, actually, hang on….isn’t that a bad thing? I think on second thought I’d rather be an Inluencer. What’s the difference, I hear you ask? About $100,000.
Coming clean
Imperfectly translated from the original Australian.
The Princess and the Pea.
A mountain bike ride on Makara Peak this afternoon, in the heat. A bit Continue reading “The Princess and the Pea.”
Naked cycling
Well, not completely naked, but it was Continue reading “Naked cycling”
OK, so just imagine you’re the duty anaesthetist all day on a Friday. It’s Continue reading “Outrageous”
Safety first
Am in my open plan office at work. There Continue reading “Safety first”
OK, so if a case is booked onto a morning list, and is down for four Continue reading “Disingenuous”
Something afoot (note disturbing content)
My middle toe has been sore since Tuesday. That was the day of my Continue reading “Something afoot (note disturbing content)”
Boo hiss
A big thumbs down to the nurse at Wakefield this morning who told me “I love your shoes! They look so… comfortable!”
Shoes are meant to look fabulous but feel comfortable. A small but vital difference.