One of the daughters has ended up in the Continue reading “Spooky”
Happy Birthday!
Here he is, enjoying the Dad equivalent of a champagne breakfast. Looking good there, Simon! An excellent advertisement for the benefits of fresh air, exercise, and statins.
A fresh start
Very excited to be heading down to Dunedin to settle the girls into Selwyn yesterday.
Pond Life – update
A miracle in our pond! A brand new little fish has appeared. Our working Continue reading “Pond Life – update”
I can’t believe it’s getting dark in the mornings already – it was Christmas only yesterday
What am I doing wrong?
How come when I get to work after my 3.4k cycle ride, I’m hot, red, Continue reading “What am I doing wrong?”
I like to wear smart clothes for my private hospital days, to impress my Continue reading “Stylish”
Out of time
Put my watch on this morning and panicked because I was running late. I relaxed when I got to work, though, because I now had heaps of time – I was early, even! Took me a while to figure out my watch had stopped.
Well, they say time flies when you’re having fun, and it’s obviously true: I’ve been at work for 12 hours and it doesn’t feel anywhere near that long. It’s 7:23 pm and still light outside. Mustn’t forget to claim overtime.
Scary Editor
Dear Abby,
My daughter corrects her grammar in our text conversations. Should I be concerned?
Conscientious of Kelburn
Long lost friends
The girls are busy sorting through their stuff in readiness for heading off to Uni this weekend. Looking through their discard piles, I have come across quite a Continue reading “Long lost friends”