I’m hoping this says “JORDAN”
I love hard work! Continue reading “Heave!”
Feathery destruction
I had to stop feeding the local tui and kaka sugar water last year because the kaka were shredding our umbrella and wisteria plants. Continue reading “Feathery destruction”
Another Friday evening spent in borderline panic, worrying if I’m going to get told off for my comments in the newsletter again. Continue reading “TGIF?”
Day 12, exiting Tokyo
The rain stopped, but a freezing cold day. 12 degrees, not including wind chill. Continue reading “Day 12, exiting Tokyo”
Day 11, Tokyo
Today, as I’ve already inferred, it’s rained all day. Continue reading “Day 11, Tokyo”
Day 10 Tokyo
Arrived back in Yokohama yesterday morning. Continue reading “Day 10 Tokyo”
Day 9 sea day
We’re steaming our way back to Tokyo. Continue reading “Day 9 sea day”
Day 8, Nagasaki
It’s the middle of the afternoon and it’s pouring with rain. Continue reading “Day 8, Nagasaki”
Day 7 Fukuoka cont
It’s late and we’re sailing out of Fukuoka Harbour, I’m watching the lights of the city go by my window as I’m writing this in bed. Continue reading “Day 7 Fukuoka cont”