Just clearing out my bag of all the French Film Festival tickets that I’ve accumulated over the last week. Continue reading “Ticketed”
Where’s the harm?
Thinking of the old phrase Continue reading “Where’s the harm?”
It’s a sign
I think somewhere in these theatres Continue reading “It’s a sign”
I popped into theatre the other day to see a colleague, and the surgeon said to me that in my college approved cloth cap I bore a close resemblance to Mother Teresa. Continue reading “Saintly”
Book review – some very long book about depression
“Lost connections – Why you’re depressed and how to find hope” by Johann Hari. Continue reading “Book review – some very long book about depression”
What’s a little prosopagnosia between friends?
The spectre of dementia appears to be a constant presence as I get older. At least, I think it’s dementia – I’m having a little trouble recognising things lately. Continue reading “What’s a little prosopagnosia between friends?”
Just answered the phone too quickly before I realised that with an 0061 prefix it was probably a spam caller. Continue reading “Gulp”
I haven’t got a favourite child. Continue reading “Favourite”
Popped in to see a post op patient at the hospital today. Continue reading “Recall”
Got severely chastised by a couple of my friends last night for not taking full advantage of the toileting opportunities offered on my trip to Japan recently. Continue reading “Flushed”