Thanks for your messages of concern re the gap in posts, so soon after my bout of sickness. There was nothing sinister going on, just a failure of internet functionality I.e. I thought I’d posted at the airport but hadn’t.
Nile – Saturday
An early start for those of us making the trip to Abu Simbel. It’s an added extra that less than half of us decided to take. Continue reading “Nile – Saturday”
Nile – Friday
A quiet day. Continue reading “Nile – Friday”
Nile Thursday part 2 – things come to a head
Well! What an eventful day! Continue reading “Nile Thursday part 2 – things come to a head”
Nile Thursday
Can I tell you a secret? I’m not loving it here. Continue reading “Nile Thursday”
Egypt Wednesday
Our days have a strange pattern here. To avoid the worst heat of the day, we get up very early, and are usually on the bus before 7. The temperature for the first hour or two of a site visit will be in the low 20s. Continue reading “Egypt Wednesday”
Further Nile thoughts
Sitting on the top deck, it’s 41 degrees in the shade. I’m waiting for a drink of kakadee, a drink made from hibiscus. Continue reading “Further Nile thoughts”
Egypt Tuesday
Please remind me to never never never poke anything in my ears again, as it seems I have perforated my eardrum. Continue reading “Egypt Tuesday”
Egypt Monday
Woke up to a painful left ear. Continue reading “Egypt Monday”
Sunday in Cairo
Currently lounging by the hotel pool, a well deserved rest after a big day. Continue reading “Sunday in Cairo”