I used to love fireworks. Continue reading “Big bang theory”
When I take the dogs out for a walk, Poppy usually hangs a little behind Goofy. Continue reading “Messaging”
Fashion troubles continued
Our departmental secretary just popped into the office to clarify some scheduling question, but then looked sideways at me and asked if I was OK? Continue reading “Fashion troubles continued”
Fashion faux pas
One of the risks of having a day off to wander aimlessly around town is you find various terrific shopping deals that you’d be mad not to take advantage of. Continue reading “Fashion faux pas”
Fanny update
Keen to avoid any sporting topics this week. In lieu of that, here is a pic I managed to get of Fanny the swollen goldfish yesterday. Continue reading “Fanny update”
Pond drama
One of our fish is sick. From my frantic interrogation of Dr Google I have come to the conclusion that Fanny is suffering from dropsy. Continue reading “Pond drama”
It’s been a short week after Labour Weekend but its actually been a real grind for me. Continue reading “Endurance”
Went out with some rellies for a fish and chip dinner the other night. Continue reading “Bingo!”
Bike trials
I’ve been terrifically impressed by Wellington City Council’s recent intestinal fortitude in pushing ahead with widespread cycle lanes around the city, in spite of vociferous objections from car-loving naysayers. Continue reading “Bike trials”
The tiny citrus fruit on the mystery tree near our front gate seems finally to have ripened. Continue reading “Fruity”