Later the same day… Continue reading “Ghastly update”
Feeling unwell today, the third time with similar symptoms since coming back from my awful holiday in Egypt back in October. Continue reading “Ghastly”
Hot movie ideas
“Dallas buyers club” but with middle aged women trying to track down oestrogen patches. Continue reading “Hot movie ideas”
Amazing inventions of our times
You might need to be of a certain age to really appreciate these… Continue reading “Amazing inventions of our times”
Puppy love rebuttal
You could certainly point to this recent article in Stuff as a riposte to my previous post. Continue reading “Puppy love rebuttal”
Puppy love addendum
I really should have included a photo or two of Max. Continue reading “Puppy love addendum”
Puppy love
I’ve been playing Sia’s Christmas album on high rotation this December, whenever possible. Continue reading “Puppy love”
Ha ha
There seems to be a trend on the internet of pointing out how incomprehensible the humour of the youth of today is. Continue reading “Ha ha”
Ts and As
Or, in further defense of my mother. Continue reading “Ts and As”
Immune system 1; germs 0 (maybe)
I cut the tip of my left index finger a few days ago, on a can of dog food. Continue reading “Immune system 1; germs 0 (maybe)”