Can I just take this opportunity to say how much I deplore this current trend for flat grey in car paint? Continue reading “Colourless”
Wellington may have finished with summer. It’s wet and windy outside today. Continue reading “Gone”
No matter what time I get up, Continue reading “Tardy”
Canine shenanigans
Max the little retrodoodle continues to settle in with the family. Continue reading “Canine shenanigans”
The scan was pretty uneventful. Continue reading “NAD”
Going fishing
Feeling much better this week, thanks for all the messages of concern and support. Continue reading “Going fishing”
A week of it
I can’t believe I’ve only been sick a week. In some ways this feels like my new reality. Continue reading “A week of it”
You’re shitting me!
Did you know that if a medical lab gets a poo specimen and it’s not runny enough, they’ll just toss it in the bin? Continue reading “You’re shitting me!”
Much better thank goodness
Some improvement yesterday, well enough to get a blood test, and then drive home. Continue reading “Much better thank goodness”
Still unwell
Sick again today. Now I am frightened.