I’m trying to hit that delicate balance of being well informed whilst maintaining my mental wellbeing during the Trump era V2. Continue reading “Newsworthy”
True crime
Well! Just after my last, self indulgent, whiny post, we discovered something to really be concerned about: an attempted robbery! Continue reading “True crime”
Did I really write just a couple of days ago about how content I was? That mood has totally gone. Continue reading “Gloomy”
I decided in the end to take the plunge and get my eyebrows tattooed. I’m not loving it. Continue reading “Identity”
A perfect day
I am writing this in our spa pool, it’s ten pm at night and it’s a lovely evening. I’ve seen the sun set and now I can see at least a couple of the planets that are all supposed to be lining up in a row around now. I am filled with a sense of wellbeing. Continue reading “A perfect day”
Well, in the end I decided to just dash off a quick sabbatical report, with barely any inflammatory content, and I’ve heard nothing since it was published in the department newsletter a week ago. Continue reading “Crickets”
Ooh burn
Duolingo taking no prisoners Continue reading “Ooh burn”
Healthy habits
As I walked downstairs to the kitchen yesterday morning for my first coffee of the day, I wondered idly whether my new diet of multiple daily lattes, as part of my research into which coffee machine was best, was actually doing me any harm. Continue reading “Healthy habits”
I just spent the last 18 minutes watching a YouTube video on one Australian woman’s experience of eyebrow tattooing. What is happening to me? Continue reading “Shallow”
Take it off
Speaking of getting naked, have you noticed the difference between the ways that men and women take their tops off? Continue reading “Take it off”