After several heavy duty novels recently, I decided I’d had enough of literature and reread an author that fits into the “old reliable” category. Continue reading “Comfort read”
Quality is ageless
Had to make room in the freezer for a couple of ice cream cakes earlier in the week. Continue reading “Quality is ageless”
Cash flow
It would be fair to say that I don’t generally have much sympathy for our current prime minister. Continue reading “Cash flow”
I’m quite ready to ditch the topic of all things Australian after the miserable petering out of our feeble efforts in the cricket. Continue reading “Godzone”
At the basin
Lucky me, Simon managed to get tickets to the cricket match yesterday. Australia haven’t played a test here for years so tickets were in hot demand. Continue reading “At the basin”
Putting my foot in it
I went to see the first patient on my theatre list this morning, on the day of surgery admission ward. Continue reading “Putting my foot in it”
There must be a word for that!
And indeed there is. Continue reading “There must be a word for that!”
Sometimes I ask myself: Continue reading “Introspection”
Body shaming
The vet says that Goofy is overweight.

It turns out that a calorie dense diet cannot be followed with impunity, even by a very active canine. A summer of markedly increased treat intake has told on the spoodle, who was 16 kg before her little offsider arrived and is now tipping the scales at a whopping 18 kg. Ironically it seems that being a good dog is not always a good thing. It’s going to require a rethink of our training strategy, that’s for sure. It does seem cruel though – how can we not reward her when she’s streets ahead of Max at all the skills we’re trying to teach?
It is as my father was always keen to remind me: life isn’t fair.
You may think that nothing interesting ever happens in our sleepy seaside retirement town, and you’d be right 99% of the time. Continue reading “Scandal”