How soon one gets used to, and then takes for granted, the great pleasure of being able to anticipate a full, untroubled night of slumber when you close your eyes last thing at night. Continue reading “The sleep of the just”
There’s a new locum surgeon starting at my hospital, and I heard on the grapevine this week that he writes books. Continue reading “Bookish”
Mind your language
I’ve got a family membership to the online language learning platform Duolingo. Continue reading “Mind your language”
We have a total of three chrysalis’s (no idea how to spell that) after our recent caterpillar transplant, which makes it a successful operation in my book. Continue reading “Buggy”
Old scheduling email mid March 2018
As long foretold, the legendary third part of the ancient roster related communications triumvirate. Continue reading “Old scheduling email mid March 2018”
Old scheduling email early March 2018
Just like when you’re waiting hours at the bus stop and then three arrive at once, here’s another old scheduling email. Continue reading “Old scheduling email early March 2018”
Old scheduling email Feb 2018
I haven’t done one of these for months so time for another. Every time I try to search for them on the work email system they get harder to find so it’ll be a race between publishing them all up to when I “finally” retired from scheduling that first time (October ish of 2018) and losing access entirely and having them vanish into the ether unsung.
I also note I used to be much funnier in the old days. Why? Continue reading “Old scheduling email Feb 2018”
Lots of press recently about middle aged people (women) all being deluded that they’re more gorgeous and youthful looking than their contemporaries. Continue reading “Average”
A problem of scale
The doggies love bean bags, as you can see from these photos going back over the years: Continue reading “A problem of scale”
Interested in expanding your family?
One lightly used dog, free to good home! Continue reading “Interested in expanding your family?”