…is to surround yourself with old people! Continue reading “The secret of youth”
Set up for a fall
I fell over at the beach the other day, taking the dogs for a walk in the dark. Continue reading “Set up for a fall”
Sabotaged at work today. Continue reading “Aaargh!”
IT dreams
Was sitting down with an IT expert at work the other day. Continue reading “IT dreams”
Duck it
Generally I’m a fan of predictive text. Continue reading “Duck it”
Spoiler alert
Well, yes and no. Continue reading “Spoiler alert”
Side tracked
I’m supposed to be writing The Great Kiwi Novel and instead I’m reading a book I heard recommended on the radio the other day. Continue reading “Side tracked”
The only way is up
Some of the lifts at the hospital are being renovated. Continue reading “The only way is up”
Feeling a bit fancy today Continue reading “Posh”
A timely reminder: Continue reading “Perspective”