There’s not much that can’t be improved by being toasted and buttered.
Author: Interloper11
Always look on the bright side!
The best part of getting old and having concerns about your memory
Advanced directive
If I ever say I’m going to get a new puppy,
They call me the shoelace bandit
Why accept expensive imitations when the real thing is just lying around waiting to be chewed on?
45 minutes on hold waiting to find out why Contact haven’t connected the Broadband I’ve paid for.
Twisting by the pool
I hopped into the spa pool the other day to find that it was full of little slimy floaty bits.
Radio news update
I went to buy a new radio but the very honest salesman told me frankly that I was likely to have the same problem of not being able to find the radio station I wanted with any cheap radio I bought.
Old scheduling email Feb 2 2018
Some of these are now a little out of order, alas.
Old scheduling email Jan 19 2018
We’re on the final stretch.
In tune
A hundred years ago, a delightful if fictional couple, from London but fluent in French, decided to visit Paris.