I was very pleased the other evening as I was driving home to find a number of bugs being suddenly rendered into two dimensions on my windscreen.
It’s not a sign of my hatred of invertebrates but rather the opposite: in the midst of a global catastrophic collapse of insect populations, having enough bugs flying around to make a mess on the front of my car is a positive sign. It’s a form of live population sampling. Here is a close up of my bumper right now (no, I haven’t cleaned my car since last weekend, do you have a problem with that?)
Note the rather surreal reflections of the two doggies in the background.
As Elon Musk’s behaviour gets more and more erratic, it is becoming an increasingly urgent issue for me as a Tesla driver to try and distance myself from him. I have to try to track down some of those bumper stickers I wrote about some time ago. A simple alternative of course would be a Trans flag. I’ll see what I can do.