Excuse me

Another glorious summer’s day in the Capital today.

As I cycled in to work, running slightly late for my office day, the waterfront and cycleways were thronging with other non car commuters. I saw a pod of dolphins leaping around in the harbour yesterday, so it’s a pretty special spot. It was lovely, right up until some jumped-up little twerp tapped my bicycle as I rode past him and said “Fuck!” It was completely out of the blue. Yes, I was riding close to him, but I was going slowly and he’d cramped me in by moving towards me as I was trying to keep left. I can just imagine him as he got to work: “God, cyclists are awful! This stylish and elegant woman came so close to me this morning that I was able to reach out and touch her bicycle. Terrible. What is the world coming to? I must write a letter to the editor immediately and/or post a big rant on facebook.”

A representative picture only. I was wearing a helmet.

What is the lesson here? Probably some combination of “Don’t sweat the small stuff” and “not all cycle haters are in cars”.


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