Notwithstanding the havoc wreaked on my fruiting plants, it was lovely to see a little nestling birdie hoping around on the lawn on Xmas day, having just got back from a festive walk with the doggies. Continue reading “For the birds”
I’ve been invited by one of my old colleagues on the departmental newsletter to write a report on my recent sabbatical for an upcoming edition, and I’m in two minds about it. Continue reading “Limelight”
Are you feeling lucky?
It’s Christmas Eve and I’m at work, but I’m not feeling sorry for myself. Pity the poor soul I’m helping look after who has been given a brain tumour for Christmas. Continue reading “Are you feeling lucky?”
Green prescription
I love my garden. As I make my pre coffee circuit each morning, it helps me mark the passage of the seasons as I see which fruits have been eaten by the birds. Continue reading “Green prescription”
Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Elon, WTAF? Is there no one that can say “Pull your head in!” to the world’s richest man? Continue reading “Elon”
Thanks for the memories
Speaking of memory, I read an article this week that stated that self reporting of memory problems is a stronger predictor of future Alzheimers than any other test available. Continue reading “Thanks for the memories”
I was just going through all the open tabs on the browser on my phone, deleting websites as I went to get to my last blog post, and it’s quite the wee snapshot into recent events in my life. Continue reading “History”
Feliz Navidad
There are two types of people in this world : those who appreciate the art and beauty of Christmas music; and HORRID GRINCHY MONSTERS. It may be superfluous to note that I am firmly in the former camp. Continue reading “Feliz Navidad”
One of the reasons I took my husband’s name when we got married last century was because it was so much easier to spell. Continue reading “Misnomer”
Lots of flight disruptions last weekend due to bad weather round the country. Continue reading “Upside”