First day of the conference. I had nothing planned for the morning except girding my loins so a relaxed start to the day.
The conference venue is a gorgeous old house just around the corner. I registered and then sat in the garden reading my book.
The conference is small but not as sparsely attended as I expected with such poor organisation and advertising. There was a plenary session to start and then they are running three concurrent sessions for the rest of the time, plus workshops. All the talks today have been good, although all in English which was the second or more language for all the speakers. Most communicated well but some were difficult to follow. Anyway I have picked up a few gems which is better than average for a first day.
I have already asked two questions actually, not obscure, esoteric, academic things, to show how clever I am, but practical ones that are hopefully useful for other people as well as me.
i have just come back from the welcome drinks. I don’t know anyone, but I made myself go, just for the free food and drink. After writing this I’m watching some more tv and then having another early night. I’m starting to get excited about heading home soon.