A stressful three hour drive today. Continue reading “Milan to Trento September 14”
Milan Friday the 13th
Last full day in Milan. Continue reading “Milan Friday the 13th”
Milan September 12 cont.
The medication I took for my gut issues worked well. I may never have a bowel motion again but that’s a small price to pay to enable me to get out and about and make the most of my time overseas. Continue reading “Milan September 12 cont.”
Milan September 12
I’m writing this in bed as I’ve had a recurrence of the gut issues that plagued me back in January. Maybe all that seafood didn’t agree with me? Continue reading “Milan September 12”
Sardinia to Milan September 11
Woke up at 3 and decided to follow the Trump v Harris US presidential debate on the Guardian website. Continue reading “Sardinia to Milan September 11”
Sardinia Sept 10
We’ve seen surprisingly varied weather in Sardinia. Continue reading “Sardinia Sept 10”
Sardinia September 9
A picture tells a thousand words, according to the old saw. Let’s see if I can convey the events of the day. Continue reading “Sardinia September 9”
La Maddalena loop September 8
Day 2 of cycling in Sardinia, another success. Continue reading “La Maddalena loop September 8”
Side note on fauna for those interested
Photographed this little insect buzzing around the flowers by the pool yesterday. Continue reading “Side note on fauna for those interested”
Sardinia – reflections on dining
If you’re not a fan of seafood then you’re going to struggle eating out in Sardinia, as it makes up 90% of the food on offer. Continue reading “Sardinia – reflections on dining”