Lisbon 25 September


With Rita at her conference all day,the rest of us decided to do a walking tour. The weather was supposed to be cloudy all day. We bought an audio guided tour online and headed out after breakfast.

There are two cruise ships docked, so town was heaving with tourists, even worse than yesterday. The morning started out with a light drizzle, but after an hour or so, it was raining steadily, and we were all soaked, in spite of me appropriating Craig’s HelloKitty umbrella.
The stupidity of our venture became apparent when we reached the broccoli tree view point and could only see thick cloud all around us. We decided to abort our tour and head to a craft beer place and settle in to await a break in the weather. The rain radar was predicting an improvement from mid afternoon, so after one drink and lunch, I headed back to the hotel for a quick nap and to get out of my wet gear before we set off again.
All the little tourist shops were selling cheap umbrellas but they looked poor quality to me, I ended up buying a very nice arty one that was not much more expensive and very sturdy. Unfortunately it’s quite heavy and bulky but I really appreciated it today.

When I got back to the hotel after lunch, my new credit card had arrived. I take back everything I said about VISA and ANZ. Having said that, I haven’t tried to buy anything with it yet so we shall see.

When we resumed our tour we covered a lot of ground and saw many interesting sights, buildings and squares mostly. The health app on my phone tells me I did 19,000 steps today. By 5pm we hadn’t finished the tour but it was beginning to drizzle again and we were all starting to flag, so we bailed and headed back to the hotel again. We have a big night ahead, with Fado music and dancing, so nice to have a wee break before hand. The boys are having beers and Rita is out shopping somewhere but I’m writing this and then planning another nap.

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