A note on our accommodation in Cortina

A beautiful little chalet style hotel as befits a classy European ski town.

Note the ridiculously large rental car in the foreground.
Here are the views from our windows.

What is of most import to us as inhabitants of this establishment, though, even for such a short time, is the bathroom.

Note the bidet. These have been in every accommodation we’ve had over here. Apparently they’re making a comeback in NZ too, which gives me feelings of dismay, not only because I don’t know which way you’re supposed to face when you use them, but also because we had two taken out of our house when we bought it, to make room for some cupboard space. A shortsighted decision? Maybe so.

Also note there is no shower, just a hand held shower attachment for the bath. This seems to be a common design in Europe. I’m guessing if you grow up with it you will be able to use it effectively with no problems. For us, we had two approaches. Simon just stood up and used it, spraying water all over the floor in the process. Hence the towels in the photo. He was unrepentant: if they provide such a stupid arrangement, they deserve what they get in the way of mess. My approach was to crouch for the entire bathing ritual. This leads us to the third feature in the photo: the ubiquitous cord to call for help. Presumably this is for when you’re stuck in your crouched over position, or you’ve slipped over on the soaped up floor of the bath, and you need help to get up again.

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