Adieu Paris!

Well I’m still in the Eurostar queue so I’m not going anywhere yet.
I just wanted to shout out to an app I used yesterday to best utilize my time in Paris. I was only going to be here for one night so when I got on the TGV in Montpellier I hadn’t arranged anything for my time here. So on the train I had a look through getyourguide and found not one but two activities to do yesterday evening. The first was an English language comedy show called How to become a Parisian in one hour.

The comedian has done the same performance thousands of times and it showed, but it was still funny and an entertaining way to spend an hour in Paris. Unfortunately it overran a little so I didn’t get the chance to buy an autographed copy of his book and instead had to hot foot it across Paris to the left bank. The luck was with me with the two metro trains I had to take and I was at the door for my next show barely 25 minutes later.

This was Paradis Latin, a cabaret show that was also very entertaining, although I would probably have preferred more Can Can and less simulated sex. I think even the bunch of English lads who were over to celebrate Gary’s birthday were a little taken aback.

I even enjoyed the trek back across Paris at midnight on the bus. It had rained during the show and the streets were very lively and atmospheric, it was great. I’m sure there are many similar apps around, I definitely plan in future to make the best of my time wherever I am using getyourguide. I wonder what there is to do in Wellington? Not much if the newspaper headlines are anything to go by.

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