
Always fearful of any evidence of senility, I was brought up short earlier this week when I couldn’t remember the symbol for “therefore”.  I’ll leave a little pause here so you can ask yourself if you remember it…..

Actually I can’t find it anywhere on my keyboard so I’m going to have to post a photo of it. I’m sure there’s a better way but it’s a sign the symbol is not used very often, I think (or hope).

I was reminded of this just now when I was browsing through the book of old work emails I have. I had this to say in April 2013:

This is my last day before heading off to La Belle France for three weeks. The schedules for while I am away have all been written, so hopefully not too much extra work for Dean to do. Please be gentle with him. Significant happenings while I am away include the school holidays ( this is not a coincidence actually ), and the ASM conference in Australia the first week of May, during which we will be very short. Pleasingly, we have a new specialist starting that week, Osman O,  who comes to us all the way from – er – the Hutt. His particular work interests include preassessment, eyes, and acute pain 🙂

Look at that old school emoticon! When was the last time I typed one of those? Revolutionary in their day – only ten years ago! – they have now been superseded by the dazzling array of emojis your device can provide you with to express exactly the way you feel on any subject. Such progress, a picture being worth a thousand words and all that. Although I’m sure I’m not the first to notice a certain similarity with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. There’s nothing new under the sun, etc, etc…There were reasons why they were popular for so long, the fact that the alphabet hadn’t been invented yet only being one.

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