Old scheduling email mid April 2018

Now with added technology! I’ve scanned this one to make it more legible. Thoughts? If it’s an improvement I can go back and scan the recent ones that were just photos of the pages out of my book. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you guys.

13th April 2018


The man in the Beemer in front of me as I scooted to work this morning was vaping as he drove. Not sure how he could see through all that smoke. Can’t understand the attraction of vaping. Does it even have any nicotine in it? They seem to only come in various fruity flavours. Is it like trying to smoke herbal tea? Or more like trying to inhale cough mixture (but, you know, without the morphine)? Of course, it was an icy morning and his window was open, maybe he was just breathing heavily? Jiminy Crickets, it was cold. I even saw Chris T wearing his winter shorts as I arrived at work.

Caught one of the twins stealing my full face helmet to scoot to school, just too cold for the open face now. Not a good look to arrive in class with blue lips. Guess I’ll have to fork out for some cold weather gear for her now, which I’ll happily do, although they keep telling me that the school won’t let them wear warm clothes because it’s not part of the uniform. The school has definitely put a huge amount of effort into scouring the market to find a heavy raincoat in the right shade of unattractive green, that is also neither warm nor waterproof. It’s not a Catholic school but they still seem to promote a certain degree of self-flagellation in the dress code.

The girls are planning a getaway with friends, away from parental influence, during the holidays next week. I was asked to reassure any anxious parents that there wouldn’t be any boys present at this sleepover, as for some parents this would be a deal breaker. So, are there going to be any boys there? I asked with some trepidation. Yes, of course there were. (Duh!) They couldn’t see any problem with this. What they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them, was the reasoning, I think. Not sure what my girls were doing during their ethics classes at school? Probably out vaping in the toilets. At least I could reassure the parents that there wouldn’t be any alcohol around. My daughter has discovered that vodka is definitely not her friend. Or, maybe, the sort of friend that’s lots of fun at parties, but then awful to you the next day. Sigh.

If anyone knows of a secret supply of the name badges we were all given a few months ago (“hello my name is…”), there are some other staff around the hospital that would very much like them. I did try to tell the two MRI radiographers that they also come in Maori and Pacific Island versions, but as they are a couple of pasty English ladies, they didn’t really see the need.

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