
So, it turns out none of my offspring were reading this blog while I was away.

On the one hand, great, because I could amaze them by recounting my thrilling adventures and repulse them with my pox ridden extremities.

It looks bad but there’s no more pain or itch








On the other hand, it means no one was waiting with bated breath to hear this morning whether my face was also now covered in a fresh crop of angry spots. Which it wasn’t, much to my relief if no one else’s.
I’ve been reading more around the sort of rashes that I was afflicted by. In some places they call thimble jellyfish and sea lice the same thing, which is confusing. “Sea bather’s eruption”, which is what I had, is generally considered a separate condition to the rash you get with sea lice. I did find another name for the critter that stung me which I much prefer to plain old thimble jellyfish: Linuche draco , the dragon thimble jellyfish. Much more impressive and quite evocative.

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