
We’re down to that pointy end of the holiday when you have to think carefully what swimwear you’re going to get wet, because you’re going to have to take it home still damp.

I took the opportunity to go out kayaking just now. They ummed and ahhed about letting me go out since it was close to closing time for the dive shop, unbeknownst to me. I only had half an hour so I scooted out to the reef where we went snorkeling today. I saw a few shoals of fish but decided that the experience of swimming amongst them was a far more rewarding option than trying to see things through the waves from above. Mind you, if I’d realised sooner than just as I was coming in to land that there was a clear Perspex panel on the bottom of the boat between my knees, I might have had a different perspective.

I was quite warm by then so decided to swim back to our unit rather than walking back along the beach or on the manicured path behind. It took longer but cooled me down, so worth it despite getting my outfit wet. Half way along I noticed two gorgeous young Asian women out the front of one of the units. They were wearing matching minuscule white bikinis with flouncy transparent white négliges over the top, and were taking photos of each other in glamorous poses. I assume they were influencers of some sort? Anyway, they seemed slightly miffed as I swam by. I suppose a middle aged lady hoving into view with a baseball cap and a birkini is not what the punters are paying to see.

I’m back at our villa now, it will shortly be my final opportunity to get a picture of the mythical green flash. So far every sunset has been obscured by distant clouds right on the horizon, but today could be the day. Wish me luck.

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