Another long weekend, another tropical island holiday.

Does that make me sound like a wanker?

No matter, because I’m glad to be here. I used to see at work occasionally an equipment rep who lived up the coast, not far from our beach house at Waikanae. We would chat about life up in Kapiti, and the last time we spoke, he said, rather wistfully it seemed to me, that it sounded like I was living my best life, commuting up the coast in my Tesla every weekend. Shortly after that he died from complications after surgery for some bizarre chest tumour. Whenever I think about him, it’s a reminder to live life to the fullest. Have I told you that story before? He obviously left a profound impression on me, for someone I didn’t really know that well.
I haven’t written much lately. I got over the fear that I had early onset dementia pretty quickly, but I was still busy with work and going to French film festival movies. Best festival ever, BTW, I saw about ten films, and they were very varied, it certainly wasn’t all middle aged couples being unfaithful and drinking coffee.
We’d booked a Matariki tropical island getaway months ago, and I didn’t let the fact I developed a respiratory illness just before we left put me off. Luckily I didn’t have any COVID test kits on me so I didn’t feel too guilty about getting on an international flight. The arrivals card I filled out on the plane had a section about whether you’d had any symptoms of any sort in the last month but it was so broad and sweeping surely half of the passengers on the flight would have had to tick “yes” if they were being scrupulously honest. Am I evil and selfish? Maybe I am, although I still half believed it was just hayfever at that stage.
I felt the most crap that first day, and have been steadily improving back to normal since. We are staying on a tiny island in the Manamuca group off the west coast of Fiji’s main island.

Yesterday we went on a little day trip to a village on a nearby island. The island’s population is growing, unlike most rural communities in New Zealand, and the place was swarming with children. We visited a little market run by single mothers, and then the local school. Everyone was very friendly, the children especially were very excited to see us.
We went out to the village with an older Australian couple who had visited the island the year before. The woman, Anne, loved children, in spite of being a retired teacher. On the boat trip on the way over, she told us about a little girl who
had latched onto her on their previous visit. She wouldn’t let go of her hand for the duration, but when it was time to say goodbye, and Anne promised that she would come back to visit, the girl had looked her in the eye and said “they always say that”. So, Anne was very much looking forward to meeting the girl again and proving her good faith. Anne indeed found the girl, but unfortunately for those seeking a happy Hollywood ending, the little girl didn’t remember her at all. Good on Anne, though, for rising above it and not letting it ruin her trip. There were plenty of other children keen to get some of her attention. She certainly had a big heart.

Anne and Ross spread the love

As for me, as someone who gets nervous around kids – mainly because they can see right through me as the big faker that I am – I was just really grateful that we had someone with us who could take all the attention. It works the same way as travelling with someone whom biting insects love – you get left alone. It’s great.

The snorkeling here on the island is the best I have ever experienced, and it’s right outside our front door.  The edge of the reef is only a hundred metres or so from the beach, and there are a huge variety of fish swimming around in great schools amongst healthy looking coral. The water is a lovely blue, with good visibility and a nice temperature.

View from our deck

Tomorrow we are booked on another day trip to the island where they filmed the movie “Castaway” with Tom Hanks. We were supposed to go today, but it was being used to film some scenes from the latest series of Survivor, that is mostly based on another nearby island. I’ve never watched any reality shows but this one is apparently very popular. I suppose it wouldn’t be onto it’s 19th season if it wasn’t.


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