Fully open(ish) to new experiences

Toying with the idea of going on a yoga retreat later in the year.

It sounds very appealing: ten days in a warm exotic location (Sri Lanka); and I could do worse than just quote the brochure here: it gives me the opportunity to rejuvenate mind and body while developing my yoga practice in an oasis of tranquility and exceptional natural beauty.


So far, so idyllic. What gives me pause is not the early starts, the hours of daily yoga practice, the lack of meat or booze or electricity, its not even having to hang out with people I don’t know because none of my friends are going. The problem is the twin rooms. What if the other person snores? What if I snore? What if I need to get up in the night to pee, or if I can’t sleep and want to read for a while? My mother was staying in bunk rooms in various youth (“youth”) hostels on her travels around the world well into her seventies, and she definitely snored. But I’m afraid for me it may be a deal breaker.

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