Artificial “intelligence”

Tried to play sad music yesterday when I got home from work early, to wallow a bit before Simon would get home and sensibly advise me to snap out of it. Siri wasn’t having it though. “Hey Siri! Play ‘everybody hurts’” “I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are”. Really? You’ve been living in my house for years, listening to everything we say, and now you don’t know me?

She’s been getting more and more uppity lately, responding like a sycophant to Simon, playing any music he likes, whereas for me it’s always “I can’t find that song, try the radio”, or something similarly unhelpful. Yesterday was a bridge too far, though. In the end I had to muscularly boot her off the speaker in order to play the wallowing playlist I found on Spotify. Take that, you young Australian hussy!

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