But no

A very important part of aging well is retaining muscle mass, particularly in your core that will help keep you balanced and protect you from falls.

Note I haven’t said anything about how avoiding the sarcopenia, or muscle wasting, that can come with getting older and being sedentary, will improve how you look, because I don’t have to. It’s affect on appearance seems to be people’s main concern on the internet.

“Old lady butt” – cruel! Especially as it affects men as much or more so, which can produce quite a startling effect when combined with the beer gut that often assails the same cohort.
So, when I saw this headline, of course I was curious to learn more:

All to the good then, they had me and I was motivated. The problem came with these paragraphs:

What does all that even mean? Unless you’re already a gym bunny, all this body building jargon is just a whole lot of gobbledygook. What we layfolk need is a simple explanation in plain language of how to get your bum muscles stronger. Is that so hard? It seems that it is.

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