Old scheduling email early March 2018

Just like when you’re waiting hours at the bus stop and then three arrive at once, here’s another old scheduling email.

Subject: Gloomy

The mornings are starting to get dark and gloomy again. I’m not sure why this comes as such a nasty surprise every year? It’s just an inevitable part of the Earth’s tilting axis while we make our year long journey around the Sun (I wonder how Flat Earthers explain it?). I was complaining to my husband the other day that I can’t see to get dressed in the morning without turning the light on. He asked me, why don’t you just open the curtains to let the light in? (Duh!). Obviously they have gentleman’s hours in GP land. Maybe getting ready in the dark explains my less than successful attempts at covering my latest (and hopefully final) nose lasering? (Chris J made quite derogatory comments about my inexpert maquillage last Friday.) I’ve been struggling all week to do a better job of hiding this latest imperfection. I was going to say that I admire those women who appear at work beautifully presented with make up and blow dried hair, but actually I won’t because I hate you for raising the standards that make us lazy ones look as if we’ve just got out of bed and made no effort, when in fact, that is entirely true.

It’s not been a good week for the Jordan girls, actually. Unlucky in love, and one unsuccessful job interview. It’s quite painful watching from the sidelines as these dramas play out, when what you really want to do is get in there and knock a few heads together to make everything right. What they don’t tell you in antenatal classes is that being a parent is like having a big open wound (that’s figurative, not literal – because, ewwww! And also we see enough of that in the gyne theatre). Having children makes you vulnerable. Why do they focus so much on labour and delivery in antenatal classes anyway? It’s like people (girls usually, sadly) who think only of their Wedding Day, and not about actually being married, which is more like years and years of….time.

What also makes you vulnerable is riding your bicycle. And yes, Mr Policeman who waggled a finger at me as I wobbled in front of you as you were racing to rescue some cat in a tree or wherever it was you were going yesterday morning with your lights flashing and sirens blaring, I did see and hear you, but I was in the process of trying to escape from the lady behind me in the giant SUV who clearly had no idea where her indicators were, and was trying to decide between squashing me or the hapless pedestrians on the crossing next to me. Sometimes doing something dumb is the lesser of the two evils.


Cardiac in OT 2 replaced with a Mr D general surgery list – his first as a brand new consultant I believe. He looked very dapper in his shiny new suit and shoes, and stylish haircut yesterday, as he begins his inevitable slide from pleasant and helpful registrar into grumpy and disillusioned consultant surgeon. I wonder if he’s still on his first marriage?


That’s it for me. Hope to see some of you at first Friday drinks after work. The other thing I’m hoping for is a big bounce back from the Black Caps on Saturday night. The twins turn 17 tomorrow and the wrinklies have been banished up the coast. What could go wrong??

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