
A number of readers (again, I remind you that one is indeed a number) have been in touch to express their dismay at the shocking bill we are facing to fix the exterior tiling on our house.

Yes, it’s a mind boggling amount of money, but I am gradually resigning myself to it, and gaining a little perspective.
I have several friends with decades of experience working vital roles in government departments who have been made redundant in recent weeks and asked to reapply along with their colleagues for fewer positions, like a sinister version of musical chairs. What a kick in the teeth after giving your working life to the civil service, just so that baldy can give tax cuts to his wealthy pals.

I have never felt so grateful for the job security I have, working in healthcare. In fact, at this rate I may never be able to afford to retire, so society will be able to benefit from the money that went into training me right up until the bitter end. Will I be that elderly washed up anaesthetist, ignoring all the signs that it’s time to move on, buddied up with a junior for every list so that they can “benefit from my experience”, but actually there to keep an eye on me so I don’t inadvertently cock something up and maim or injure the innocent public?

I seem to remember the stock market crash in ‘87 (the GFC before ‘08, because there’s nothing new under the sun) meant that there were quite a few rather mature doctors hanging around the hospital well past retirement age for the next few years. Did they have drawers stuffed full of Goldcorp shares or similar? I suspect they might have.

Why is this writing so tiny?

Anyway, is not retirement scientifically proven to be bad for your health? That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

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