Quality is ageless

Had to make room in the freezer for a couple of ice cream cakes earlier in the week.

( Duck Island – highly recommended -we did a horizontal tasting of the vegan v cow juice based cakes – very hard to choose between them. )

Digging down amongst the frozen relics of an earlier age, we found this:

Imagine paying nearly $23 for three little steaks! Obviously we weren’t strapped for cash back in 2017. Not sure what particular occasion they were purchased for, clearly something special that never eventuated. And in the end they have served only as expensive space occupiers, taking up room as well as however much electricity is required to keep something frozen for seven years. Well, our loss is the doggies’ gain. And don’t be alarmed, they loved it, and it’s been several days now and they are both looking the picture of health.

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