Rain rain go away…

Everyone is happy when it doesn’t rain on a holiday, so that you can enjoy your days off.

Political disclaimer

Generally I try to keep out of important stuff like world events in this blog and just focus on myself. Yes, it’s all me me me.


Speaking of money, I have pretty frugal spending habits in general, inherited from my Scottish forebears.


A number of readers (again, I remind you that one is indeed a number) have been in touch to express their dismay at the shocking bill we are facing to fix the exterior tiling on our house.


I remember watching an episode of The Cosby Show many years ago.

Ghost in the machine

Some years ago, I worked a weekend at a local rural hospital to enable the local anaesthetists to have some well earned time off.

Let go

I’ve been fired from our departmental newsletter.

ICE ICE baby

Looked after a chap on Friday who was happy to give us all the benefit of his political opinions, unsolicited.