Literature – 3, foreshadowing

“And in the end, should someone die?” The Duke, Moulin Rouge.

Yes, I’m still thinking about that accursed book, in which I have decided no one dies in the end, in spite of all evidence to the contrary. Haven’t the Irish suffered enough?

Lots of the reviews for Îlot Maître warn about the banded sea snakes. These are apparently incredibly venomous (note – not poisonous, I assume, although I don’t know who would be eating them…), but aren’t the hazard you might expect because they are shy retiring little creatures who would far rather be left alone than pick a fight. The same goes for the sharks, we’re always told, although it seems several Australians get snacked on each year.

We can see the overwater bungalows from where we’re sitting. None were available when we booked at the last minute, hence the beachfront unit we’re staying in. Given the choice, I’m not sure which type of accommodation I’d go for. Simon reckons the overwater, as they are more expensive and therefore more desirable. I’m not so sure. Yes, greater privacy, and more magical to be sleeping over the water. On the downside, you’re warned to pull up your ladder each night to stop the snakes from crawling up to visit.

In a beachfront unit, we have loud squawking and the ammonia smell of guano, but we’re only a few metres from being able to walk along the beach.
On all my snorkelling expeditions so far, I haven’t seen a single shark or snake, but I did just fish this out of the water as I was having my first dip of the day. A warning?

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