Canine shenanigans

Max the little retrodoodle continues to settle in with the family.

She and Goofy get on extremely well, which is great.
Those sharp little teeth can do an enormous amount of damage in a very short space of time, so we’re pretty lucky that she hasn’t turned her mind to wanton destruction as yet. Here is a jandal that was completely intact mere moments ago.

She also has an adorable habit of stashing her treasures in hard to find places, which is super cute to watch if she’s trying to cover a chew toy with a blanket using only her nose. Not so funny if it’s in a giant hole in the lawn, and even less amusing if you don’t find the bone buried amongst the long dresses in your wardrobe until you get back from a long weekend during a heatwave. The stench of something dead was truly horrific. I may never be able to wear some of those dresses again.

Lucky for her she is such a good natured wee girl, and is surprisingly a bit of a star in obedience classes. This is due in a large part to our offspring currently at home during the university holidays. Turns out a part time job still allows plenty of time for puppy training and even house cleaning, a far more mutually beneficial arrangement than paying board.

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