A week of it

I can’t believe I’ve only been sick a week. In some ways this feels like my new reality.

At least I’m feeling much better than I was at my worst. I took a giant dose of antibiotics on Thursday – a recognised medical option, never fear! – in an attempt to be well enough to attend a wedding yesterday, but alas, it wasn’t enough. At least I was never forced to choose between the five dresses I’ve bought over the last few months in preparation for my “Summer of Weddings”. (I’ve been invited to two.) The next wedding isn’t until March so plenty of time to get well, surely? (She says nervously.)

I’m not looking my best currently. After a week of not eating or getting out and about, my muscles are somewhat wasted, and along with my distended tummy, I’ve got an appearance somewhat reminiscent of a pregnant pipe cleaner. Do young people know what a pipe cleaner is? My dad used to smoke a pipe – I loved that smell! I remember sitting in clouds of pipe smoke as we’d all watch TV together of an evening. But mostly I know pipe cleaners as a toy or arts and crafts type thing. Hours of fun for all the family, bending them into shapes to make little people or furniture or whatever. Made a change from playing board games, watching TV, or getting beaten up. Life was simpler in those days.

Not a picture of me, although that outfit looks very seventies.

My poo specimen was accepted by the lab thank goodness, but unfortunately, no recognizable pathogens were detected. Back to square one it seems.

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