Much better thank goodness

Some improvement yesterday, well enough to get a blood test, and then drive home.
Went to see my GP this morning, an emergency appointment that Simon kindly organised for me (best life advice I can ever give you: marry a GP). She asked me how I was and I burst into tears! Just goes to show how overwrought I was. We have agreed that it’s most likely I’ll just get better and we’ll never really know what it was. A nasty bout of gastro is high up on the list of probabilities but that doesn’t explain the repeated attacks. Anyway, she’s ordered a CT scan of my tum so we’ll see what that shows. I can’t help but feel more cheerful now that I’m not acutely unwell.
Have eaten twice today, and apart from a bloated abdomen I seem to be pretty much back to normal. The relief is incredible.

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