
Feeling unwell today, the third time with similar symptoms since coming back from my awful holiday in Egypt back in October.
When the canine alarms went off around half seven, I felt so tired I tried to just put them outside to do their own thing while I went back to bed. Unfortunately, they weren’t having it and I was forced to get up. A couple of coffees perked me up (see what I did there?) briefly, but only made worse my intestinal hurry, necessitating several trips to the bathroom from which I returned considerably lighter each time. I tried having something to eat, but that didn’t help at all, so I was forced to cancel my Zoom French lesson and head back to bed.

My symptoms are really pretty minor as far as real sickness is concerned, but GI upset, nausea, headache, tiredness, malaise (a catch all phrase simply meaning “I feel like crap”) is enough to make me feel pretty miserable. Of course I’m imagining all sorts of serious abdominal pathology, a la Poppy’s preXmas demise. Ironically, though, these sorts of symptoms are far more commonly associated with cancer treatments – chemo and radiotherapy – than with tumours themselves. I’ve probably said all this before, the first time I was sick, but there is no quality of life with this. It’s no wonder people refuse treatment if it makes them feel like this, or worse. It’s very hard to keep a sense of perspective. I’m hoping it’ll pass off overnight as it has the past two times, and I’ll be feeling better tomorrow. But what if…?

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