Puppy love

I’ve been playing Sia’s Christmas album on high rotation this December, whenever possible.
I’ve been hampered by the incomprehensible unpopularity of Christmas music amongst friends and family, as well as a surprising dislike of this artist in particular by at least one of the younger generation. Apparently she is creepy? Anyway, I love it.
One notable song is “Puppies are forever”, a commentary on the giving of pets as gifts, which I agree can be done poorly.

For me, the puppy stage is the hard work you have to put in to get the dog you want. if anything, I will love them even more when they’re ‘old and slow’, because that will be when we will have had many years of history together. In fact, I think I can remember saying I’d never get a puppy again after the terrible time we went through with poor Goofy.
So far, little Max has been a blessing. After two weeks, she’s fitting in beautifully as part of the family. So far, the only mischief she’s got up to has been the systematic removal of buttons from any cushion that has come within her orbit. That, and her incredible abilities as an escape artist, who simply scoffs at puppy pens as child’s play. Even Goofy has had a rebirth of sorts as a fan of playing with the new pooch. This after the saddest week I’d ever seen in her, after Poppy died. These two are really bosom buddies now.
Being the flawed human that I am, I keep thinking of the puppy we left behind. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it before, but the breeder gave us the choice of two puppies she thought would suit us, Max and an adorable chocolate brown spoodle. They were both just what we were looking for, and either would have suited. In the end I went for Max because she was 3/4 poodle, as opposed to half and half, and she was a little bit younger. Well, I can be coldly logical about my choice now, but in all honesty the decision was made when Max ran straight for me when we arrived, and the spoodle went for my offspring who had accompanied me. I see that dog is still available, now aged around 20 weeks. I tried getting one of my friends interested in her, but apparently the timing isn’t right, plus the puppy is now too old. Do any of you know anyone who’d be keen? I can definitely vouch for her personality.

Adorbs, am I right?
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