
We’re well into the cruise ship season here in the capital, so the place is swarming with snap happy tourists.
The shopkeepers must be pleased, as apparently the cost of living crisis has caused a downturn in festive spending this year.
It was disconcerting to walk out of my house just now, however, to see a gaggle of Asians across the road taking photos of our house. Perhaps I should be used to it though, after this post appeared on Facebook a few weeks ago:

The comments were predictably hilarious, fairly typical for Vic Deals:

I found one comment a little disturbing, though:

It may simply be uncomplicated admiration, and it’s only my suspicious nature that makes me fearful of nefarious intent.
Anyway, maybe all this newfound fame means that the hundreds of thousands of dollars we’re having to sink into the house to repair the bricks and tiles is money well spent? Ha ha ha! No.

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