
The more you look at this old French poster advertising bicycle tyres, the odder it becomes.

The dress and hairstyle on the woman are unusual but would have been completely normal back in the day. Same goes for those hideously uncomfortable looking shoes she’s wearing, although those feet don’t look anatomically correct at all so I’m hoping there’s some artistic license going on there, rather than cultural appropriation of the ancient Chinese custom of foot binding. The eye makeup is startling to be sure, either that or she’s a victim of intractable insomnia.

No, it’s the creature behind the amiable young lady that is the really disturbing feature. He’s cuddling up behind our innocent young mademoiselle far too close for comfort. He has no eyes but is wearing glasses, no nose but a suggestion of nostrils. He’s smoking a big fat cigar, and somehow manages to look quite stylish in spite of being made almost entirely of bicycle tyres. It may be the highly polished boots, or the cuff links, but I’m guessing it’s his beautiful hands that give him a certain je ne sais quoi. Now, if he would just take a step or two back I’d be much much happier.

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