You could certainly point to this recent article in Stuff as a riposte to my previous post.
Month: December 2023
Puppy love addendum
I really should have included a photo or two of Max.
Puppy love
I’ve been playing Sia’s Christmas album on high rotation this December, whenever possible.
Ha ha
There seems to be a trend on the internet of pointing out how incomprehensible the humour of the youth of today is.
Ts and As
Or, in further defense of my mother.
Immune system 1; germs 0 (maybe)
I cut the tip of my left index finger a few days ago, on a can of dog food.
We’re well into the cruise ship season here in the capital, so the place is swarming with snap happy tourists.
My love affair with tech is a rocky road – part one
For some reason I forgot to post this back in October, so here it is as bonus content.
Festive niggle
Lovely gift from the boss,
A new chapter
As it turns out, we were looking at new puppies even before Poppy got sick so very recently.