
I was out for post yoga burgers and beersies with the boys the other night when I learned a new word.

One of them mentioned he thought some particular situation was going to become a mozza in a few years time, and everyone else nodded in agreement. I’d never heard this word before, but all the others had. It means “nightmare”, or a really bad situation. I worked out it was probably a South Island thing, dating back twenty or so years from when they were all at university in Dunedin (yes, I am the oldest).

I tried looking it up online, and couldn’t find anything apart from this typically dodgy entry in the Urban dictionary:

Mozzie I have heard of, meaning mosquito. Otherwise, for Australians, putting the mozz on someone is to curse them with bad luck, similar to putting the mockers on them. But this word is new to me. So, unless this all some elaborate prank by the broga crowd, I’ve learnt a new word this week.

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