
Took my car in for a WOF and service at the Tesla workshop this morning.

There were two other people in the waiting area, both of whom looked like tech bros to me. They were probably exactly the sort of person you would imagine as a Tesla owner, just like any of the models in these stock photos:

Typical Tesla owners. Possibly all photos of the same generic white guy?

One of them actually said “I know I look like I’m from technical support, but actually I’ve just brought my car in for a service.” He had made himself comfortable with a sort of portable home office set up, to be fair. The other guy commented on how hard it had been to find the new workshop, as he hadn’t realized they’d moved from the previous location. That prompted a discussion on what sort of tech they’d used to find the place in the end – google maps, apple, or Teslas own? I smiled and nodded and tried to interject with my own amusing anecdote on getting lost on my arrival, but they paid me no heed. It’s true I was in disguise as a middle aged woman, but in any event they had eyes only for each other. It’s possible they were both just discounting everything about me as being beneath their notice, and in their eyes they were just conversing with the only other person in the room, but I prefer to think that what I was witnessing was a meet-cute worthy of a future wedding speech. In which case, all power to them, ain’t love sweet, and I bear no ill will. On the other hand, if they’re just a couple of assholes for whom women are invisible without 100 metres of a car unless they’re half naked and lying provocatively across the hood, then that’s just f**king rude.

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