
I hate to harp on about things, but women’s clothing sizing has been doing my head in this week.

I know all the so called ‘bricks and mortar’ (no matter what their building materials) retail stores are bemoaning online shopping, but all the other ladies out there must be having a much better time of it if that’s the case. I’m invariably getting the sizing all wrong.
After decades of summers with no weddings to attend, I’ve suddenly been invited to two over the next few months. Being me, I’m wanting something colourful and preferably floral to wear. Everything in the physical stores is dull dull dull so in desperation I’ve headed online.
This is the sizing chart for one Kiwi site I’ve looked at.

So far, so not very controversial. I duly measured myself up, with a spare charger cord to something held up to a builders measuring device, because who can ever find a proper tape measure when you need one? And so it turns out, my bust is a size 10, my waist is a size 12, and my hips are a miserable size 6. And here’s me thinking my body shape was somewhere near normal, whereas it turns out I’m actually nearer in shape to a seal than an actual human female person.

“What to wear, what to wear…”
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